Your Impact

They’re extraordinary here. They have a beautiful human philosophy of holistic care – not just medicalised treatment.

They’re extraordinary here. They have a beautiful human philosophy of holistic care – not just medicalised treatment.

They’re extraordinary here. They have a beautiful human philosophy of holistic care – not just medicalised treatment.

Meet hospice patient Hazel Skelton. Despite facing a stark diagnosis, she remains open, entertaining, and genuinely lovely company. However, just beneath the fragile shield And now, even as he deals with a life-limiting illness, she’s here to support our Christmas Light Up A Life appeal.

Hazel Skelton, 41, is a patient of Harold’s Cross Hospice.

Hazel loves travel. She’s backpacked to scores of exotic places, shoulder-to-shoulder with the love of her life ‘Kev’. They instinctively engaged with wonder, meeting people and immersing themselves in local culture, history and landscape. They travelled light but explored deeply. “ I’ve had life-altering experiences through travel. But I’m on a very different, life changing journey now.

Through multiple cancers. First, it was breast cancer. I’ll never forget receiving that diagnosis. The emotional pain cut through my whole body. But I coped through acceptance and embracing different therapies.”

With the help of challenging but effective treatments, Hazel fully recovered: “ I had my life back. But soon I was getting headaches and feeling unwell. They found tumours in my brain and my spine. That was a difficult setback. I just went into survival mode. I didn’t cry for months.”

Once again, Hazel was enduring extensive treatments but her life-affirming outlook – and the extraordinary support of family, friends and colleagues – guided her back to full recovery.

“ Little did I know that I was to receive an even more serious blow. They found cancer in the lining of my brain and spine which is the worst prognosis. I’m now on a miracle chemotherapy and antibody drug which is keeping me alive”.

Hazel speaks with such grace about the hospice care she’s receiving:

“ They’re extraordinary here. They have a beautiful human philosophy of holistic care – not just medicalised treatment. I’ve availed of lots of wonderful therapies too. And Kev has also received support through the social worker here.”

“ I accept that I’m going to die young. But I don’t want to die in hospital. Or in our precious home. I have it in my heart that my last few days or months will be here in this welcoming hospice of care, joy and – I’m delighted about that.”

Hazel continues to travel an unexplored road signposted by realism and optimism. She’s still helping others.

Like being a sparkling ambassador for Light Up A Life. And that’s such a beautiful fit. She lights up lives every day.

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